
What You Need to Know
About Dog & Cat Nutrition
by Kymythy R. Schultze
Food is the foundation of health. How long an animal lives and,
most important, the quality of its life, depend greatly on the quality
and quantity of the food that it eats. Simply put, food is
body-fuel, and provides the energy needed for an animal to maintain
good health and condition. With regard to nourishment, quantity
is not necessarily synonymous with quality. It is very possible
for an animal to receive adequate quantities of food and yet still
suffer degradation of health due to poor quality ingredients.
As a descendant of the wild wolf and, in fact, basically still the same
species as Canis lupus, the domestic dog retains similar nutritional
requirements. The same is true for the domestic cat, a member of
the Felidae that includes lions, lynx, and other wild felines.
Dietary sources of amino acids, energy, glucose precursors, fatty
acids, vitamins, minerals, and water are required by the dog and cat to
live. The most suitable sources of these nutrients are those that
most closely fit the evolutionary design of the animal’s
physiology. Species-appropriate sources of food help ensure
optimum nutrient availability and utilization.
Dietary protein supplies essential amino acids and is needed for the
manufacture of antibodies, enzymes, hormones, tissues, and proper pH
balance. Protein provides energy and is essential for growth and
development. Complete proteins contain ample amounts of essential
amino acids and are found in foods such as meat, fish, eggs, and
poultry. Incomplete proteins are found in many foods, including
legumes, grains, and vegetables. Incomplete proteins must be
combined with other protein sources to provide an adequate amino acid
profile. But even in combination, animal sources provide a more
species-appropriate array of amino acids than plant sources for the dog
and cat. Protein requirements may vary per individual due to a
variety of factors including their physiological state, breed, age, and
the digestibility of the protein source being fed. Amino acids
are altered by heat, which may reduce bioavailability.
Dietary fat is the most concentrated source of energy for the dog
and cat. It also provides essential fatty acids and aids in
nutrient utilization and transportation. Fat is involved in cell
integrity and metabolic regulation. Saturated fat is found
primarily in animal sources while polyunsaturated fat is found mostly
in plant sources. Saturated fat provides greater energy for dogs
and cats than carbohydrates. In fact, as long as the diet
provides sufficient glucose precursors (amino acids, fats, etc.);
dietary carbohydrates are not needed for growth and maintenance.
Fats (and oils) are composed of fatty acids, sometimes referred to as
vitamin F. Fatty acids are found in both animal and plant
sources. The two most familiar categories of essential fatty
acids (EFAs) are omega-3 and omega-6. Omega-3s include
alpha-linolenic (ALA), eicosapentaenoic acid (EPA) and docosahexaenoic
acid (DHA). Omega-6s include linoleic acid (LA) and
gamma-linolenic acids (GLA). Trans-fatty acids, dangerous free
radicals, are formed when unsaturated oils are exposed to heat, light,
or oxygen.
Vitamins are essential for metabolism regulation, normal growth and
function. Vitamins are found in food and some are synthesized in
the animal’s body. They are classified as either water- or
fat-soluble. Fat-soluble vitamins include A, D, E, and K.
Water-soluble vitamins include C, and the B-complex. Generally,
fat-soluble vitamins are stored in the body, while water-soluble
vitamins pass through more quickly. Many vitamins are destroyed
by heat, light, and oxygen.
Minerals are essential to the dog and cat, and are involved in almost
all physiological reactions. They contribute to enzyme formation,
pH balance, nutrient utilization, oxygen transportation, and are stored
in bone and muscle tissue. Biological availability may vary
widely depending on the source of the mineral. Elemental minerals
are generally taken from the earth or water. Chelated minerals
are bound with other organic substances making them often easier for
the body to absorb. Minerals include calcium, chloride, chromium,
cobalt, copper, fluorine, iodine, iron, magnesium, manganese,
molybdenum, phosphorus, potassium, selenium, silicon, sodium, sulfur,
and zinc. There are other mineral elements required by dogs and
cats at trace concentrations. Many minerals may be lost in
heat-processing. Minerals, like vitamins, work
synergistically. They have a cooperative action between them.
Water is an essential nutrient and is vital to every cell in the
animal’s body. An adult’s body is approximately 60
percent water, with the percentage even higher in the puppy or
kitten. Water transports nutrients and waste in and out of the
cells. It is necessary for temperature regulation, digestion,
circulation, nutrient absorption and utilization. Water loss
occurs mostly through urine, feces, lungs, skin, and the milk of a
lactating female. In addition to drinking water, the dog or cat
may obtain water from its food, depending on the type of food and its
moisture content. Good quality water is as equally important to
health as good quality food.
Raw vs. Cooked Food
Today, the dog and cat caregiver has many feeding options.
Choices include mass-produced commercially-formulated diets and
home-prepared diets, either raw or cooked. For most of our
evolutionary history with dogs and cats (at least 14,000 years or more
for dogs and at least 3,000 years for cats) guardians have formulated
diets in the home and/or shared their own food with them. More
recently, pet food manufacturers have produced products ready-made in
dry, canned, and semi-moist form which some people find extremely
convenient to use. But, as the famous nutritionist Dr. Bernard
Jensen once said “There is no right way to do the wrong
thing.” Convenience, nor price, of commercial diets does
not necessarily insure that they will provide species-appropriate
nutrients in forms that our animals can best utilize for good
health. One must consider that dogs and cats have thrived in good
health on real, raw food for many thousands of years. Only
recently have we fed them foreign commercial food products and, with
the increase in animal illness, we must in good conscience and logical
reason, consider the correlation. It is recommended that much
research be done to determine which type of diet is correct for each
individual animal.
Special Life Stages
Puppies and Kittens
Newborn pups and kittens should be encouraged to nurse soon after they
are born to receive their mother’s colostrum. Colostrum,
rich in protein, is the first fluid secreted by the mammary glands and
contains important immune and growth factors. If the young must
be hand-reared, supplemental colostrum may be purchased and added to
formula. There are many formulas and recipes for feeding
orphans. Commercial formulas are available or one may choose to
follow a homemade version such as the following one by Dr. Richard
Pitcairn, D.V.M., and PH.D.:1 cup half-and-half, 2 large eggs, 1
tablespoon protein powder, ¾ teaspoon bone meal, and 1-2 days
worth of dog vitamin/mineral supplement. Some breeders use
supplemented goat’s milk. Generally, cow’s milk is
not recommended. All formula should be given at body temperature
and fed via bottle or stomach tube. Amount depends on age and
size of the animal. After each feeding it is important to gently
massage the young’s belly, genital and anal area with a warm
moistened cloth to stimulate urination and defecation. Newborns
need to be fed approximately every 2 hours.
Ideally, puppies and kittens should be allowed to nurse until their
mother chooses to wean them. Orphans can usually start the
weaning process at about 3 weeks of age. The new food should be
made soft and easy for them to lap, but not so mushy that it is inhaled
through the nostrils. Weanlings can be fed 4 times a day until
they are 2 months old, then 3 times daily until 4 to 6 months old, then
2 times daily until 1 year, either staying on twice daily feedings or
reducing to once daily. Growing youngster may eat nearly double
the amount of food as an adult, proportionately. But, it is
important not to over-feed growing puppies and kittens as it places
unwanted stress and weight on growing bodies.
Pregnancy and Lactation
Obviously, it is extremely important that a female receive excellent
nutrition during the time that she is developing and nourishing her
young. Actually, she needs proper nutrition before pregnancy, to
help facilitate normal fertility. During the latter half of
pregnancy, the female will need her food divided into smaller, more
frequent meals as her stomach begins to compete for the space occupied
by her rapidly growing young. The amount of increase in her food
intake will depend greatly on the type of food being fed. The
greater the nutrient value, the less she will need to increase the
volume of it. As her due date draws near, many females will
experience a decrease in appetite. A female in good health and
condition should be able to deliver and care for her young quite easily.
During labor, many females choose to consume the placentas, which are a
rich source of nutrients and hormones. And since many new mothers
are reluctant to eat their regular food immediately after delivery,
eating the placentas may provide her with a readily available and
desirable source of nutrition.
Lactation greatly increases the nutritional needs of the female.
As the pups and kittens grow, so do their nutritional demands for
mother’s milk. She should be fed multiple daily meals of
nutrient-rich food. As the young are weaned onto solid food,
their need for her milk will decrease and her intake can be very
gradually lowered to her normal ration.
Senior dog and cat nutritional requirements vary greatly depending on
breed, activity level, health, and type of food being fed. Older
animals may not utilize nutrients as well as they did when young.
Therefore, it is vitally important that they receive an optimal amount
of easily absorbable nutrients. An older dog or cat that is less
active will need the total amount of food decreased, yet may need an
increase in the amount of vitamins, minerals, and enzymes. It is
important to feed high quality protein as poor quality protein may put
unwanted stress on the aged kidneys of an older dog.
In conclusion, when considering what type of diet to feed your dog or
cat, it is important to remember that many important nutrients are
damaged by heat, light, and oxygen. It is also important to keep
in mind that a dog or cat will best utilize nutrients that their body
evolved to thrive on. Each species’ body evolved a
particular way that enables it to utilize very particular foods.
For example, cows did not evolve to eat rabbits; and dolphins are not
built to eat horses. If an animal guardian wishes to raise a
healthy dog or cat, it is up to them to choose a species-appropriate
diet that provides nutrients that the animal can easily use to achieve
good health.
R. Schultze is a clinical nutritionist and has been a trailblazer in
the field of nutrition for almost two decades. The recipe above is from
her new book “The
Natural Nutrition No-Cook Book: Delicious Food for You…and Your
Pets!” She is also author of the best-selling book “Natural
Nutrition for Dogs and Cats: The Ultimate Diet.” Both
books are published by Hay House, Inc. For more information go to www.kymythy.com